Face or Skin Mites, also known as demodex, are one the most common parasitic organisms that can be found on the skin of both humans and animals. Mites in particular are mainly found living in hair follicles, therefore it often called Demodex Folliculorum. As a consequence, the mites can be found in the eyelashes. This applies in cases of human eyelashes as well. Here we are to present some important facts that everyone should know about these little creatures, including symptoms, causes and available prescription and over the counter treatments.
First, one should know is that potentially every human have these little parasites living deep in the hair follicles and maybe found in eyelashes. It is there that they spend all the circle of their life, feeding on dead skin cells and specific secretions produced by human sebaceous glands. Even though these creatures are very small to be detected with naked eye, one can notice the results of their existence (if the demodex grow its numbers to the level where they start creating problems to the skin). One should pinpoint however, that even though most humans around the world have demodex mites on the skin of the face, not too often the mites settle in the roots of the eyelashes and eyebrows.
Second, you should know that not every human is equally prone to mites infesting the eyelashes. For example, women favor the manifestation of demodex in eyelashes more than men because women wear mascara, eyeliner all day long without making sure to properly remove it during the night. It is the human immune system that keeps the number of mites under control. Therefore, verything that tempers with the immune system like a prolonged illness, stress or immune repressing drugs can result to the manifestation of the demodex mites.
Trird, is how to recognize the symptoms of this condition, known as eyelash demodicosis? Large numbers of mites in your eyelashes are usually manifested as inflammation, swollen eyelids and intense itching increasing at night. As a result you can end up with swollen eyelids and eventually experience the fall of the eyelashes.
The forth thing has to do with the treatment that one can apply. It is important to recognize the condition before applying a treatment. The physician usually checks the eyelashes of the patient under the microscope and based on the level of infestation will advice a suitable treatment. For example, a mild case of demodex infestation may be treated with natural products such as a clearing ointment. Dcleansed made by Ovante skin care is very good and effective. In more severe cases however the treatment may require the use of antibiotics for as much as 6 weeks.
Finally, one should know that there are things one can do on its own to help controlling the infestation and preventing the demodex mites going on to the eyelashes. First of all always keep the eyelashes clean and makeup free. Keep your pillows and sheets clean and ironed because while you are sleeping the mites can migrate. Thirdly, try to clean your face and eyes two or three times a day with a natural non drying cleanser. The Eys n Mites natural lotion helps to stop the mites from multiplying in the roots of the eyelashes. This product is safe to use and has proven to be extremely effective.