Demodex mites living with skin follicles are common skin parasites. With increasing age comes a higher chance of skin mite settlement. It is believed that at the age of 60 years old it is present in 84% of the population and at the age of 70 years it is found in 100% of 70yr old screened. Is mainly identified due to the symptoms of rosacea follikulorum that includes a large density of Demodex mites in a small space. The mites are also believed to cause other skin diseases such as pityriasis, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, scabies-like eruptions, red skin color pigmentation and more. The clinical importance of Demodex is still not fully understood because there are people who have shown a very high population of mites and still have no complaints. Even despite high colonization levels, people have still not experienced blepharitis, which is an infection of the eyelash follicles through Mites in EyeLashes.
The risk of Demodex blepharitis (Mites in EyeLashes) is varied. There is a close correlation between the severity of rosacea and Demodex blepharitis. The rosacea blepharitis predisposes patients to a clogging of the ducts and the sebaceous glands, creating an associated change in the surrounding skin. Other factors may also contribute to the mites proliferating, such as skin type, sun exposure, alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, hot and spicy foods as well as sudden changes in temperature. Since the eyelids are rarely cleaned daily, the mites can multiply and spread very well. People who are more susceptible to mite dispersal, propagation and Mites in EyeLashes are mainly the immuno-suppressed patients. Their treatments will include topical or systemic cortisone injections in the context of therapy or other immunosuppressive agents. These are often people who suffer from immunosuppressive diseases such as leukaemia or HIV.
Demodex blepharitis can be divided into anterior and posterior blepharitis. The anterior blepharitis caused by D. folliculorum primarily affects the eyelashes and follicles of the eyelashes. Posterior blepharitis is caused by D. brevis and is shown by an infestation of the first layer of skin. Demodex mites, particularly D. folliculorum consume cells of the hair follicle, resulting in an inflation of the hair follicle and to a loosening or mal-alignment of the hair follicle. Micro violations by the mite can cause the skin to the manufacture poorly shaped hair follicle cells that proliferate and become horny. This becomes visible through the typical cylindrical deposits at the base of the lashes. Furthermore, D. brevis can mechanically block the ducts of the sebaceous glands, which can lead to a large red lumps around the eye. D. brevis are usually deeply seated may be perceived as foreign by the immune system which may trigger an inflammatory reaction. The bodies reaction to this sort of thing is the main reason for most of the pain and suffering caused by parasites.
Treating Mites in Eye Lashes is difficult because the eye is such a sensitive area. Your best bet would be to consult a doctor and take their prescribed medicine and then use a natural remedy in conjunction with your prescribed medicine to help speed up recovery. You can then continue to use the natural remedy when you are cured to help prevent a re occurrence.